
Debunk These Five Myths About the Mattress

At the Orange County mattress store, the first step most customers take is to compare features and prices from brand to brand. While they are trying to do this, their heads may start to spin because of so many variables involved. When you are weighing one mattress with another, you are most likely comparing whether it has innerspring or latex, organic or natural, euro-top, pillow-top, or even luxury-plush. Let’s face it, the combinations that you can find in a mattress are endless. 


Fortunately, purchasing a new mattress isn’t an activity you have to do often. However, the learning curve can be somewhat of a struggle for some people. Orange County mattress sales representatives give some useful tips when sorting through the mass amounts of information that you will come across within the mattress industry. They say that you should just stick to what matters to you, which is a good night’s sleep. This will not only make it easier for you to come to a decision but also an informed and wise purchase. 


Before you head down to buy an Orange County mattress, make sure you have done your research to arm yourself with sound judgment and learn the differences between myth and reality. 


Myth 1: I Should Replace My Mattress Every 8 Years

According to the Better Sleep Council (yes, that actually exists), you should replace your mattress every 7 to 10 years, depending on comfort and support. The fact of the matter is that the life expectancy of a mattress differs immensely depending on how a person takes care of it, how a person sleeps on it, and how often a person rotates it. 

You have to consider your mattress as performance gear for sleeping. Similar to when you purchase a good pair of running shoes to run quicker and avoid any injuries, a supportive mattress can encourage better and healthier sleep. At the end of the day, it all boils down to how you feel when you get out of bed. If you feel tired and achy, then you know it is time to change your mattress!


Myth 2: A Firm Mattress Is Best For Your Back

To reduce any pain or discomfort and help the body to relax into healing and regenerative sleep, you should look into buying a mattress that easily adapts to your go-to sleeping positions while supporting the entire body. To the greatest extent, mattresses are usually classified into three groups.

Soft mattresses usually adapt to the body’s shape but do not dispense equal support throughout the whole body.

Medium-firm mattresses usually deliver similarly on comfort and support, which eases the pressure point pain in many individuals. 

Very firm mattresses provide good support but not much conformability, which can result in pressure point pain. 


Myth 3: A Good Mattress Stops Me from Tossing And Turning

You should keep in mind that babies start to roll over in their sleep at about 4 months of age, and by the time we reach adulthood, we are moving about 75 times a night. This could mean a simple jerk or a complete roll. 

It is normal to move during the night to take the edge off pressure point pain and to lower the strain on the back and joints. A good mattress will decrease your night movements by giving pressure point relief, which helps you easily drift into deeper, healing REM sleep. 


Myth 4: A New Mattress Should Be Perfect From The Moment You Sleep On It

Normally, people need at least a month to get their bodies used to a new sleeping surface. If you think about how long we spend in bed within a 24 hour period, then you will realize that our muscles and joints can memorize the most comfortable spots on the mattress. Ultimately, if you have done your homework, shopped around, and tested out a good variety of mattresses, your mattress purchase should be the right one for you!


Myth 5: You Should Flip A Mattress Every Few Months to Maintain Its Condition 

Nowadays, many mattresses are made one-sided, which means that there is no flipping necessary. However, you may be asking yourself how you can fully enjoy your mattress and lower body impressions on its surface. Well, below are a couple of ways:

  • Sleep in several positions and places on the mattress so the whole surface compresses evenly. 
  • Get into the habit of rotating your mattress monthly for the first six months and quarterly afterward. 

Please bear in mind that when you first begin to sleep on your new bed from Orange County mattress store, you should rotate it every two weeks for the first two months. Also, do not forget that it is normal to have a body impression of up to 1 ½ inches without a structural defect. The upholstery materials are adapting to the weight and shape of your body, which is what they should be doing.