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How to Find A Balance Between Ideation And Product Development

Success in business is all about balance. Just as every company employee needs a work-life balance, there needs to be a balance between true ideation and product development too. Great industrial design services execute their idea well and evaluate the function of a product to ensure success. 

Ideas are always great, but what about their execution?

Ideas are the key to innovation, but if you don’t have anything solid to execute, then you won’t produce anything of value. In these cases, it is necessary to make changes to the initial idea so that it can translate to a real, functioning product. Execution is the only way of trying something out. Unfortunately, some ideas are limited by the rules of execution. You might stop ideating at some point, start production, and then get beaten to the punch. Moving your idea from an abstraction to a finalized form takes a lot of time and effort. There is a fine line between focusing too much and too little on ideation when beginning product development. Find that balance before you could start production.

Identify what resources you have

The three major resources that you have to consider are money, time, and effort. The product development process involves all three of these resources. Hiring a great industrial design company can optimize your resources while maintaining proper attention to detail. Consolidate resources and create proper strategies to achieve realistic goals. For example, anyone who is interested in personal satellite technology might present an idea like, “I want to launch my artificial satellite.” There is nothing wrong with an idea like this, and it might be helpful for this person’s business for obvious reasons, but one thing is clear: doing something like this is not a cheap proposition. I am using this example to emphasize one of the bigger concerns about the actual development process and the ideas that you present – the resources. This is just a very extreme example. The bottom line is that you should always have ideas that you can execute using the available resources. You should focus on developing cutting-edge products using existing technology in new ways. It will help you utilize your tools in the best possible way and generate a profit within your industry that is driven by goal-oriented users. 

Understand that you can execute in pieces 

Before you start working on product development, you can design prototypes and perform lots of tests. Move step by step and execute your idea in segments. This will allow you to have better control of the end result. 

If you want to add a feature to your product, then you should design a prototype and test it first. It is far easier to test and validate your idea on its own before you try integrating it with your other elements. A realistic prototype will provide insight and allow you to better revise your product. This method is also better than having your customers read product descriptions. You will be able to see your customers interacting with the product and the individual features that make it yours. One thing to keep in mind is that a prototype won’t always be successful. Your customer might claim that it wasn’t what they wanted, and it’s common for a prototype to fail. Even if it does, this does not mean that your product is not a good idea. You just need to keep testing and reimagining. Find the perfect prototype before you start production and you will save time and money. 

There is no rush 

Slow down product development to get the best out of the whole process. Not every industry needs to speed through innovation to find the next right product. There is a huge difference between understanding the market and introducing the actual product to the market. Everything takes time. For example, the iPhone is undoubtedly a brilliant and innovative product, but it took years to penetrate a certain market. It changed the game not only from its cool interface and initial technology, but also from the research, courage, and imagination behind it. 

In a market where many people have a low tolerance for ill-functioning products, it is important to test everything thoroughly. Chances are, you will fail before you succeed. Keep in mind that nothing is a guarantee. So, even if you are the first product in the market, this does not mean that you will have no competition in the future. 

According to a rough estimate, around 80% of new products fail. This might be due to poor execution, bad marketing, or failure to innovate. If you are operating at a large scale, ensure the true success of your product by hiring the right industrial design services. A great industrial design company will help you turn your idea into a functioning product by maintaining a true balance between ideation and product development.