
The Different Types Of Bees And Why You need Bee Removal Services

When you’re dealing with bees in or at your home, it will help to know what it is you are dealing with so that you can better understand how these insects function and why they are setting up residence at your home. Should they indeed be setting themselves up at your home, calling for bee removal may be necessary, but what could also help you understand how this happened in the first place is knowing just what types of bees there are and how they make up a hive.


Worker Bees

Firstly, we have the humble worker bee. The role of this bee is to do most of the grunt work to keep the hive together. They are all female and are assigned to take care of the queen, collect pollen, and create honey to form the lifeline of the hive. Without the worker bees, the hive will not function, and to make sure that they don’t wind up as competition for the queen, they are sterile. They also take care of the new infant bees in the hive and ensures that the hive cells are clean.



While all of the worker bees are female, all of the Drones are male. Their one job is to mate with the queen bee to provide offspring, but unfortunately, the job in itself is their death sentence since the mating is concluded with the death of the drone. 


Queen Bee

The queen is crucial to the hive due to the sheer number of eggs that they produce. They produce so many eggs within a single day in fact that having another can lead to competition. Thus they are ruthlessly killed off to prevent that competition and diversion of resources. Sometimes queens that are born will simply leave and start their own hives. She is fully capable of producing whatever type of bee that she needs at that moment to contribute to the new hive.



As you can see, bees have a structure to their system and a method in choosing where to live. By understanding these methods and the system in which bees function, you can better prepare countermeasures to keep them away from your home, including calling in bee removal experts if they set up hives all over your area.