
Debunking Sleep Myths: A Guide to Shopping at Orange County Mattress Stores

Sleep is one of the essential activities we partake in every day, and it is while we sleep our bodies’ cells recharge, heal, and regenerate. Despite our bodies’ dependence on sleep to thrive and lead a healthy life, many people still cling to myths that are simply untrue. This article will explore the three most common sleep myths and share why they should not mislead you.

Myth #1: You Can Get By on 5 Hours of Sleep or Less

One of the most talked about sleep myths is that you can survive on only five hours of sleep or fewer. This statement holds no truth. While you may be able to function on such little sleep for a short period of time, you will eventually crash. Chronic sleep deprivation, otherwise known as insufficient sleep syndrome, can result in a plethora of health issues, including but not limited to obesity, heart disease, and depression. Sleep deprivation also damages cognitive function, making it challenging to focus and accomplish tasks in an efficient manner.

Myth #2: Snoring is Normal and Harmless

Many people believe the misconception that snoring is an inevitable aspect of aging when, instead, it is a sign of a severe sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea will go through periodic stops in breathing throughout the night, which can result in low blood oxygen levels. This condition can raise the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. If you or a loved one has an issue with snoring, it is vital to seek medical attention and receive a proper diagnosis.

Myth #3: You Can Make Up for Lost Sleep on the Weekend

Some people believe they can make up for lost sleep on the weekends, but this statement is baseless. Even though you could reap some of the benefits of sleep by sleeping on weekends, you cannot entirely make up for lost sleep. The only way to get adequate sleep is by regularly clocking seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Shopping for a Mattress

When shopping for a mattress at mattress stores in Orange County, you must debate your individual needs and preferences. Some people prefer a firm mattress for support, while others prefer a soft mattress for comfortable sleep. There are also many kinds of mattresses to select from, including memory foam, innerspring, and hybrid, to name a few.

Be sure to take your time testing out various mattresses to find one that feels right for you. It is also crucial to consider the size of the mattress and determine if you need a twin, full, queen, or king size.

One of the most significant factors to keep in mind as you shop is the level of support a mattress offers. A good mattress should support your natural spinal alignment and help prevent back aches and other pains during the night.

It is also crucial to think about the materials used to make the mattress. A mattress made from high-quality material, such as memory foam or innerspring coils, can give you adequate support and last longer than a mattress made from inexpensive materials.


By debunking sleep myths and knowing what to search for as you shop at Orange County mattress stores, you can take specific steps to ensure you are getting enough sleep to look and feel your best. So, toss those pesky sleep myths and invest in a great mattress at Mattress Sale Liquidators today!